Understanding AWS VPC IP addresses

Posted on Saturday, December 8, 2012

I am writing this to better understand how ec2 internal and external IP addresses change and work within VPC, also to learn how to use VPC.

VPC  (Virtual Private Cloud)

Be warned, this is my first time playing around with VPC.  I will do my best, but I am bound to miss some concept.

Creating a VPC network

For my virtual private cloud I am going to keep things simple.

Something like this figure shown above.   I want a VPC were every system has access to the internet, so I can use things like apt-get within Ubuntu.   I only want a few of the systems to be accessible from the internet via SSH or port 80.    I also want to run an RDS database within the VPC.

Sign in the AWS console.

Click on VPC

Click on “Get started creating a VPC”

Select “VPC with a single Public Subnet only” and click continue

Click on Edit Public Subnet and select us-east-1a as the Availability zone.

Click Create VPC

Success!  Click close.

Starting an EC2 instance in the VPC

Before I create an EC2 instance in the VPC it’s important to note this.

AWS reserves the first four IP addresses and the last IP address in each subnet's CIDR block. They're not available for use.

Create a security group

VPC has its own security groups separate from the EC2 security groups.  VPC security groups have inbound and outbound rules, where ec2 only has inbound.

Click on Security groups then on Create Security Group.

Call the group vpcwebserver select the VPC that was just created and click yes, Create

For this I am simply going to open up port 22 and 80 for Inbound traffic.

Select the security group then select the inbound tab.  Finally select HTTP and click on Add Rule.

select SSH and click on Add Rule.

Now click Apply Rule Change.

This will allow any inbound traffic on ports 80 and 22
I am going to create a micro instance running within the subnet.  
To create an instance within this subnet we need the subnet ID. 

Click on Subnets then you can copy the subnets id from here.
In my case its “subnet-e6190d8d”

Also when using the command line tool you cannot use the group alias name when starting an ec2 within a VPC you must use the id.

Click on Security Groups and copy the Group ID in the details section.  In this case it is sg-0dc12962.

For more information on the specific options to the ec2-run-instances command line tool check out

Here is my command line,  this AMI is an ubuntu 12.04 LTS EBS AMI.

           ec2-run-instances ami-9c78c0f5 -b /dev/sda1=:8:true -k pats-keypair -t t1.micro -s subnet-e6190d8d -g sg-0dc12962 --private-ip-address --secondary-private-ip-address --availability-zone us-east-1a

The internal IP addresses were added correctly.


Looking at the EC2 web console we can see the created EC2 and that it has the two internal IPs listed correctly

One thing you will not see here is a public IP address or a public DNS record.
So now I need to figure out how to get to this machine? 

Assign an Elastic IP address

The EIPs within VPC are different than the ones within the EC2 space

Select VPC and click on Yes, Allocate

Select the IP address and click on Associate Address

Select the Instance id and click Yes, Associate.

Going back to the EC2 console you can see that this EIP is now associated with this instance.

SSH into this box.

         >   ssh -i .ec2/pats-keypair.pem ubuntu@

Login worked just fine.

Attach the second internal IP address

Run the following command

         >    ifconfig -a

Only the primary internal IP address is shown. 
To get the secondary IP working you need to edit the /etc/network/interfaces file

         >    sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces

Append this to the end of the file

# The secondary netwrk interface
auto eth0:0
iface eth0:0 inet static

Run this to update the changes

         >   sudo ifup eth0:0

Run the following command again

         >     ifconfig -a

This should get the secondary IP address working.

To confirm its working I am going to bring up a second machine in the same subnet but without an EIP.

This will have two internal IP address as well and

         >    ec2-run-instances ami-9c78c0f5 -b /dev/sda1=:8:true -k pats-keypair -t t1.micro -s subnet-e6190d8d -g sg-0dc12962 --private-ip-address --secondary-private-ip-address --availability-zone us-east-1a

Now I need to fix the VPC security group so that these two machines can talk to each other.    Machines with the same security group can’t necessarily talk to one another unless you set it up to do so.

From the VPC console.

Select Security groups.  Then select the vpcwebserver group and copy the Group ID in this case "sg-0dc12962"

Select “All Traffic” then enter the security group id and click “Add Rule”

Then click “Apply Rule Changes”

Connect to the second machine

From the first machine, which has an elastic IP address and the internal addresses and,   ping the second machine.

         >   ping


I can’t ssh into this second box without the keypair.  So I will scp it to the home directory from my machine.  

         >    scp -i .ec2/pats-keypair.pem .ec2/pats-keypair.pem ubuntu@

Now from the first machine.

         >    ssh -i ~/pats-keypair.pem ubuntu@

And that gets me in.

Ping the first machine

         >    ping

Ping the first machine’s second internal IP address

         >   ping


Attach the second internal IP address (2nd machine)

Run the following command

         >    ifconfig -a

Only the primary internal IP address is shown. 
To get the secondary IP working you need to edit the /etc/network/interfaces file

         >    sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces

Append this to the end of the file

# The secondary netwrk interface
auto eth0:0
iface eth0:0 inet static

Run this to update the changes

         >   sudo ifup eth0:0

Run the following command again

         >    ifconfig -a

This should get the secondary IP address working.

Go back to the first machine and run the following commands

         >   ping


SCP the keypair to the second machine.

         >    scp -i ~/pats-keypair.pem pats-keypair.pem  ubuntu@

Now ssh into the second machine via the second internal IP address

         >   ssh -i ~/pats-keypair.pem ubuntu@

This worked

Now from the second machine try to ssh back into the first machine

         >   ssh -i ~/pats-keypair.pem ubuntu@


Now try the second internal IP address

         >    ssh -i ~/pats-keypair.pem ubuntu@


[1]  Get Started with Amazon VPC
       Visited 11/2012
[2]  ec2-run-instances documentation
       Visited 11/2012
[3]  How to connect to outside world from amazon vpc?
       Visited 11/2012

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