Syslog-ng send raw json

Posted on Saturday, March 25, 2017

I recently had to get up to speed on setting up and using syslog-ng. which I wrote up on how to install it and get it logging a simple python app.  See [1] I also did a write up on how to get it to listen on a port [2]

In this post I am going to go over overcoming a few issues in getting raw json log outputs to a file.

The first problem (extra info)

First my set up in my /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf  here is my set up to listen and create a log for my app at /var/log/myapp.log

source s_myapp {

destination d_myapp { file("/var/log/myapp.log"); };
filter f_myapp { facility(local0) and not level(debug); };
log { source (s_myapp); filter(f_myapp); destination(d_myapp); };

These are the relevant parts of my syslog-ng.conf file for this.

Now If I use the logger tool to send a simple json message…

  > logger -p '{"num":2, "notes":"My message"}'

And as I tail the log

  > tail -f /var/log/myapp.log

I do get out my json, but I also get out some extra information that includes a timestamp, hostname, and username.  (my hostname happens to be syslog)

But I just want the raw json!  How do I get this done?

Edit syslog-ng.conf

  > sudo vi /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf

Update this piece with an inline template.

destination d_myapp { file("/var/log/myapp.log" template("${MSG}\n"));  };

Now reload  the syslog-ng services

  > sudo systemctl reload syslog-ng

Send another message

  > logger -p '{"num":2, "notes":"My message"}'

Tailing the log again

  > tail -f /var/log/myapp.log

Wahoo that worked.

The second problem … Python

The way python sends the log I get a little issue.

With this code….

import sys
import syslog
import logging
import logging.handlers

#Set up Logger
logger = logging.getLogger("10x13")
handler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address='/dev/log',facility=16)
log_format = logging.Formatter('{"time": "%(asctime)s", "note":"%(message)s"}')
logger.addHandler(handler)"Info Log Message")
logger.debug("Debug Log Message")
logger.error("Error log Message")

If I run this bit of code…

  > ./

I am getting the first part of my json lopped off. 

Turns out the way python is sending the message if we choose to use a template it will split the raw json into two variable MSGHDR and MSG.  One simple tweak to account for that is to edit the template.

Edit syslog-ng.conf

  > sudo vi /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf

And create the most simple network source just network()

destination d_myapp {
    file("/var/log/myapp.log" template("${MSGHDR}${MSG}\n"));

Now reload  the syslog-ng services

  > sudo systemctl reload syslog-ng

Now run the program

  > ./

There we go!

Hmmm… I should probably add level of log to the output.

Here is my updated code.

import sys
import syslog
import logging
import logging.handlers

#Set up Logger
logger = logging.getLogger("10x13")
handler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address='/dev/log',facility=16)
log_format = logging.Formatter('{"level": "%(levelname)s", "time": "%(asctime)s", "note":"%(message)s"}')
logger.addHandler(handler)"Info Log Message")
logger.debug("Debug Log Message")
logger.error("Error log Message")

Much better J 


[1]        syslog-ng install and configure.
[2]        syslon-ng listen on a port
[3]        syslog-ng templates

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