Openpyxl number format

Posted on Saturday, February 8, 2020

I recently wrote a article going over how to use json to make an xls file in python using openpyxl [1]

I am going to reuse some of that code but now I want to format numbers correctly so I can display $ signs, dates, etc correctly.

Simple test

Let me create a simple json file that represents a budget where it also has years that will be converted into sheets in Excel

        "January": {
                "food": 240.5,
                "heating": 89.2,
                "rent": 1709.10
        "February": {
                "food": 202.5,
                "heating": 112.2,
                "rent": 1709.10
        "March": {
                "food": 320.5,
                "heating": 45.2,
                "rent": 1709.10
        "January": {
                "food": 120.5,
                "heating": 88.2,
                "rent": 1809.10
        "February": {
                "food": 102.5,
                "heating": 122.2,
                "rent": 1809.10
        "March": {
                "food": 120.5,
                "heating": 35.2,
                "rent": 1809.10
        "January": {
                "food": 220.5,
                "heating": 18.2,
                "rent": 1909.10
        "February": {
                "food": 223.5,
                "heating": 12.2,
                "rent": 1909.10
        "March": {
                "food": 120.5,
                "heating": 25.2,
                "rent": 1909.10

Save this in a file called original.jsonYou can use a tool like

To confirm it is in the correct format.

Or you can use jq from the command line

  > jq . original.json

Simple python script to create xls file from json

  > vi

And place the following in it

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import openpyxl
import json
from openpyxl import Workbook

def populate_sheet(json_data, sheet):
   sheet.cell(1,1, "Month")
   sheet.cell(1,2, "food")
   sheet.cell(1,3, "heating")
   sheet.cell(1,4, "rent")

   row = 1
   for month in json_data.keys():

if __name__ == '__main__':

   json_data = {}

   with open("original.json") as json_file:
     json_data = json.load(json_file)

   wb = Workbook()
   #When you make a new workbook you get a new blank active sheet
   #We need to delete it since we do not want it

   for year in json_data.keys():
     sheet = wb.create_sheet(title=year)
     populate_sheet(json_data[year], sheet)

   #Save it to excel"formatted.xlsx")

Now chmod it and run it

  > chmod u+x
  >  ./

Now open it up


Now let me tweak this code to do something new and format all the dollar amounts into

This is where it all gets a little bit of fun.

If I look in Excel I can see that there are several default number formats I can use.

·         General
·         Number
·         Accounting


For me I am usually using Accounting and percentage for a lot of things I do.

Using built in types

Here you can see some built in formats.  Here is the built in format for percentage.

Let me apply it and see the results.

Here is some updated code

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import openpyxl
import json
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.styles import numbers

def populate_sheet(json_data, ws):
   ws.cell(1,1, "Month")
   ws.cell(1,2, "food")
   ws.cell(1,3, "heating")
   ws.cell(1,4, "rent")

   row = 1
   for month in json_data.keys():
     cell = ws.cell(row,2,float(json_data[month]["food"]))
     cell = ws.cell(row,3,float(json_data[month]["heating"]))
     cell = ws.cell(row,4,float(json_data[month]["rent"]))
     cell.number_format = numbers.FORMAT_PERCENTAGE

if __name__ == '__main__':

   json_data = {}

   with open("original.json") as json_file:
     json_data = json.load(json_file)

   wb = Workbook()
   #When you make a new workbook you get a new blank active sheet
   #We need to delete it since we do not want it

   for year in json_data.keys():
     sheet = wb.create_sheet(title=year)
     populate_sheet(json_data[year], sheet)

   #Save it to excel"formatted.xlsx")

Here you can see that we imported the numbers from the openpyxl and then we applied the percentage to the 4th cell in each row

Now run it

  >  ./

Now open it up

That worked now I can see that those cells are using the Percentage format.

No accounting format?

So we are forced to make a custom number format.
Just FYI, you can create custom number formats in excel itself… but I will not go over that in this post… OK maybe I will real quick

Click on More Number Formats

Click on custom.
Now you can see all these funny little numbers.
This funny stuff which looks kinda regular expresiony is its own language.

We need to create a custom type in python now using openpyxl

Number Format codes

Looking at this post it shows that number formats have four parts

So let me grow an example that will eventually be equal to what the accounting format is.

Let me update my code

Here is some updated code

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import openpyxl
import json
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.styles import numbers

def populate_sheet(json_data, ws):
   ws.cell(1,1, "Month")
   ws.cell(1,2, "food")
   ws.cell(1,3, "heating")
   ws.cell(1,4, "rent")

   row = 1
   fmt_acct = u'$#,##0.00;'
   for month in json_data.keys():
     cell = ws.cell(row,2,float(json_data[month]["food"]))
     cell.number_format = fmt_acct
     cell = ws.cell(row,3,float(json_data[month]["heating"]))
     cell.number_format = fmt_acct
     cell = ws.cell(row,4,float(json_data[month]["rent"]))
     cell.number_format = fmt_acct

if __name__ == '__main__':

   json_data = {}

   with open("original.json") as json_file:
     json_data = json.load(json_file)

   wb = Workbook()
   #When you make a new workbook you get a new blank active sheet
   #We need to delete it since we do not want it

   for year in json_data.keys():
     sheet = wb.create_sheet(title=year)
     populate_sheet(json_data[year], sheet)

   #Save it to excel"formatted.xlsx")

Here I created a format that will only apply to positive numbers

   fmt_acct = u'$#,##0.00;'

Now run it

  >  ./

Now open it up

You can see that the number is listed as “Custom” format and you can see that you have this nice dollar sign.

If I update the number with a negative number

Nothing shows up because we did not define how to do negative numbers

Here is some updated code

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import openpyxl
import json
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.styles import numbers

def populate_sheet(json_data, ws):
   ws.cell(1,1, "Month")
   ws.cell(1,2, "food")
   ws.cell(1,3, "heating")
   ws.cell(1,4, "rent")

   row = 1
   fmt_acct = u'$#,##0.00;[Red]$(#,##0.00);'
   for month in json_data.keys():
     cell = ws.cell(row,2,float(json_data[month]["food"]))
     cell.number_format = fmt_acct
     cell = ws.cell(row,3,float(json_data[month]["heating"]))
     cell.number_format = fmt_acct
     cell = ws.cell(row,4,float(json_data[month]["rent"]))
     cell.number_format = fmt_acct

if __name__ == '__main__':

   json_data = {}

   with open("original.json") as json_file:
     json_data = json.load(json_file)

   wb = Workbook()
   #When you make a new workbook you get a new blank active sheet
   #We need to delete it since we do not want it

   for year in json_data.keys():
     sheet = wb.create_sheet(title=year)
     populate_sheet(json_data[year], sheet)

   #Save it to excel"formatted.xlsx")

Here I created a format that will only apply to positive and negative numbers

   fmt_acct = u'$#,##0.00;[Red]$(#,##0.00);'

Now run it

  >  ./

Now open it up

Make one of the number negative and you should see results like this.

Now put a 0 in a field

We have not yet formatted what to do in the case of a 0…

Here is some updated code

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import openpyxl
import json
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.styles import numbers

def populate_sheet(json_data, ws):
   ws.cell(1,1, "Month")
   ws.cell(1,2, "food")
   ws.cell(1,3, "heating")
   ws.cell(1,4, "rent")

   row = 1
   fmt_acct = u'$#,##0.00;[Red]$(#,##0.00);-;'
   for month in json_data.keys():
     cell = ws.cell(row,2,float(json_data[month]["food"]))
     cell.number_format = fmt_acct
     cell = ws.cell(row,3,float(json_data[month]["heating"]))
     cell.number_format = fmt_acct
     cell = ws.cell(row,4,float(json_data[month]["rent"]))
     cell.number_format = fmt_acct

if __name__ == '__main__':

   json_data = {}

   with open("original.json") as json_file:
     json_data = json.load(json_file)

   wb = Workbook()
   #When you make a new workbook you get a new blank active sheet
   #We need to delete it since we do not want it

   for year in json_data.keys():
     sheet = wb.create_sheet(title=year)
     populate_sheet(json_data[year], sheet)

   #Save it to excel"formatted.xlsx")

Here I created a format that will only apply to positive, negative, and a zero number (but not text)

   fmt_acct = u'$#,##0.00;[Red]$(#,##0.00);-;'

Now run it

  >  ./

Now open it up

Now you can see if you put a 0 in you get a –

But if you put any text in…

So let’s fix that

Here is some updated code

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import openpyxl
import json
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.styles import numbers

def populate_sheet(json_data, ws):
   ws.cell(1,1, "Month")
   ws.cell(1,2, "food")
   ws.cell(1,3, "heating")
   ws.cell(1,4, "rent")

   row = 1
   fmt_acct = u'$#,##0.00;[Red]$(#,##0.00);-;@'
   for month in json_data.keys():
     cell = ws.cell(row,2,float(json_data[month]["food"]))
     cell.number_format = fmt_acct
     cell = ws.cell(row,3,float(json_data[month]["heating"]))
     cell.number_format = fmt_acct
     cell = ws.cell(row,4,float(json_data[month]["rent"]))
     cell.number_format = fmt_acct

if __name__ == '__main__':

   json_data = {}

   with open("original.json") as json_file:
     json_data = json.load(json_file)

   wb = Workbook()
   #When you make a new workbook you get a new blank active sheet
   #We need to delete it since we do not want it

   for year in json_data.keys():
     sheet = wb.create_sheet(title=year)
     populate_sheet(json_data[year], sheet)

   #Save it to excel"formatted.xlsx")

Now this covers all number and even text

   fmt_acct = u'$#,##0.00;[Red]$(#,##0.00);-;@'

Now run it

  >  ./

Now open it up

Now we have it covered.

But it’s not exactly like the accounting field
Here is my final code.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import openpyxl
import json
from openpyxl import Workbook
from openpyxl.styles import numbers

def populate_sheet(json_data, ws):
   ws.cell(1,1, "Month")
   ws.cell(1,2, "food")
   ws.cell(1,3, "heating")
   ws.cell(1,4, "rent")

   row = 1
   fmt_acct = u'_($* #,##0.00_);[Red]_($* (#,##0.00);_($* -_0_0_);_(@'
   for month in json_data.keys():
     cell = ws.cell(row,2,float(json_data[month]["food"]))
     cell.number_format = fmt_acct
     cell = ws.cell(row,3,float(json_data[month]["heating"]))
     cell.number_format = fmt_acct
     cell = ws.cell(row,4,float(json_data[month]["rent"]))
     cell.number_format = fmt_acct

if __name__ == '__main__':

   json_data = {}

   with open("original.json") as json_file:
     json_data = json.load(json_file)

   wb = Workbook()
   #When you make a new workbook you get a new blank active sheet
   #We need to delete it since we do not want it

   for year in json_data.keys():
     sheet = wb.create_sheet(title=year)
     populate_sheet(json_data[year], sheet)

   #Save it to excel"formatted.xlsx")

Now this covers all number and even text

fmt_acct = u'_($* #,##0.00_);[Red]_($* (#,##0.00);_($* -_0_0_);_(@'

Now run it

  >  ./

Now open it up

That is getting me what I want J


[1]        Openpyxl and json round 2
[2]        Source code for openpyxl.styles.numbers
Accessed 02/2020
[3]        Source code for


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