Installing GlusterFS 10.3 on Ubuntu 22.04 and get it working

Posted on Monday, February 27, 2023


I have wanted to set up a GlusterFS cluter for a long time.   For those who do not know GlusterFS is a pretty neat scalable network-attached storage file system.  It’s hard to describe what it does in a few words.  Its better to see it in action then you will get it.


In this article I am just going to get GlustreFX installed and up and running.




Formatting the local drive (XFS)


For my set up I have created 3 virtual machines running Ubuntu 22.04 with a 200GB drive.  Then I added an unformatted second drive to each of the 3 servers.  For the first 2 I created a 13.5 TB and for the third I created a 2TB drive to show how it can work with different sized drives.


GlusterFS will work with EXT 4 but XFS is preferred so I will stick with their recommendation.  In fact GlusterFS will work with any filesystem that has extended attributes.


Also I will be using the GlusterFS quick start guide  [2].


Let see what we have.



  > lsblk




So there is my drive that needs to be formatted “sdb”

First Create a partition


  > sudo fdisk /dev/sdb




This drive is over 2TB so can’t use fdisk simply

See [3] For more details.

Some better notes I have found [4].


Use Parted, as root.


  > sudo su -
  > parted /dev/sdb mklabel gpt

  > parted -a optimal -- /dev/sdb mkpart primary xfs 1 -1




Then format it in XFS


  > mkfs.xfs -i size=512 /dev/sdb1




Make take a moment for this command to run

See if its set up


 > parted -l





Now I need to edit /etc/fstab to set it up to auto mount


 > vi /etc/fstab



And add the following line to it


/dev/sdb1  /data/          xfs   defaults 1 2




Now create a folder to mount this drive to


 > mkdir -p /data



Run this to mount (as root)


 > mount -a



Now check


  > df -h




There it is 😊

Now reboot it to make sure it auto-mounts


  > reboot




OK look good
Hmm looking at actual file size looks like the -h (human readable) is rounding up to 14TB of the actual 13.5 TB.

Now I am going to repeat this process for my other two servers.



Of course the 3rd server gluster_fs has a smaller drive 2TB vs 13.5 TB. I did this on purpose to show how you can cluster servers with different size drives.



Install GlusterFS server via apt


First let’s check which version of GlusterFS is available via apt-get out of the box.

Run the following to cmd to see.


 > apt show glusterfs-server



We see version 10.1-1

Looking at  [5]

Looks like we are pretty good.
Looks like a version 11 was just introduced a few days ago so no need to jump to that yet.  Also it looks like version 10 is on 10.3 not 10.1.  So there are a few updates there…

We can see what issues were fixed in 10.2 and 10.3 at


We could install it with the following command


 > apt install glusterfs-server


But, that is going to get us GlusterFS version 10.1.

OK after a bit of poking I found out how to do this.

Head over to
OK found the repo [6]


OK run the following commands to trust this and get it updated


 > sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gluster/glusterfs-10


Now update


 > sudo apt update


Check version


 > apt show glusterfs-server


10.3 I will take that!

Now install glusterfs


 > sudo apt install glusterfs-server





Start GlusterFS up


After Installing GlusterFS on my 3 Ubuntu 22.04 boxes I am going to start the GlusterFS service on each of them, enable it to restart on a reboot then reboot all 3 boxes.


 > sudo systemctl start glusterd


Check its status


 > sudo systemctl status glusterd


Now enable it so it starts after a reboot (You will notice in the above image it is currently disabled)


 > sudo systemctl enable glusterd



Check the status



 > sudo systemctl status glusterd



It is enabled, now reboot


 > sudo reboot


Check if its running after a reboot


 > sudo systemctl status glusterd



Now Configure

I have glusterFS running on my 3 servers, their IPs are at…


At this point none of the servers are aware of each other.  We need to add them all in the same Trusted Storage Pool (TSP).

The servers must allow each other to access each other on port 24007.

I am not going to cover firewall issues here.


Trusted Storage Pool

I am going to think of as my primary gluster node so I am going to run the following command to add the other two to the Trusted Storage Pool.


 > sudo gluster peer probe
 > sudo gluster peer probe



Now let’s verify


 > sudo gluster peer status



Now run that same command on the other 2 servers


Now let’s check current connections


 > sudo gluster pool list



We can see al the servers and they are currently connected 😊
I guess the last command was giving its connection but this one is consolidated.


Setting Up A Volume


Check out [7]


A volume is a logical collection of bricks where each brick is an export directory on a server in the trusted storage pool.


There are different ways to set up a volume.  In my case I want safety.  I want to have a set up where one server/drive can fail and I still have all my data.  So I am going to setup a volume with a replication of 1.




 > sudo gluster volume create replicated-volume replica 2



It Failed !!!  Why?


 > ls -alh /data/brick1




It did create a bricks1 folder and put a .glusterfs file in it on each of my 3 servers… but why the failure?

Let me try and make a volume with no replication on a single server.


 > sudo gluster volume create single-volume




Hmm that worked…


Let me try the same thing with all 3 servers.



 > sudo gluster volume create triple-volume




OK that worked…


Let me try and make a replication set to 3 (which is preferred)



 > sudo gluster volume create triple-replicated-volume replica 3



Ok that worked…

So it is having an issue with the replica set to 2.

Maybe if we force it?



 > sudo gluster volume create forced-replicated-volume replica 2 force




Still failed…


Maybe if I try it on 2 glusterfs servers instead of 3?



 > sudo gluster volume create forced-duo-replicated-volume replica 2 transport tcp

:/data/brick6 force


That worked!

Rethinking this…

OK I just want to get this up and running so I am going to create 2 volumes one with a republication of 2 using 2 nodes and one with a replica of 3 with 3 nodes.

So let me first delete the volumes I made in testing.

Let me see what I have


 > sudo gluster volume list



More detailed info


 > sudo gluster volume info



Now I need to delete them..


 > sudo gluster volume delete forced-duo-replicated-volume


OK let me delete every volume then the bricks themselves.

Need to run this on each machine


 > sudo gluster volume delete forced-duo-replicated-volume


Now we are back to ground zero


Let me create the 2 volumes


 > sudo gluster volume create volume-one replica 2 transport tcp



 > sudo gluster volume create volume-two replica 3 transport tcp




Now get all the details


 > sudo gluster volume info




Volume Name: volume-one
Type: Replicate
Volume ID: 25b17ed8-2dc2-41dd-bd2c-b59f4feee2c2

Status: Created
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
Transport-type: tcp
Options Reconfigured:
cluster.granular-entry-heal: on
storage.fips-mode-rchecksum: on
transport.address-family: inet
nfs.disable: on
performance.client-io-threads: off 

Volume Name: volume-two
Type: Replicate
Volume ID: 781ef7b5-ff71-4319-8b53-bbba869749bd

Status: Created
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 1 x 3 = 3
Transport-type: tcp
Options Reconfigured:
cluster.granular-entry-heal: on
storage.fips-mode-rchecksum: on
transport.address-family: inet
nfs.disable: on
performance.client-io-threads: off



Now let’s start both volumes up


 > sudo gluster volume start volume-one
 > sudo gluster volume start volume-two


Now check them


 > sudo gluster volume info



Volume Name: volume-one
Type: Replicate
Volume ID: 25b17ed8-2dc2-41dd-bd2c-b59f4feee2c2

Status: Started
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
Transport-type: tcp
Options Reconfigured:
cluster.granular-entry-heal: on
storage.fips-mode-rchecksum: on
transport.address-family: inet
nfs.disable: on
performance.client-io-threads: off

Volume Name: volume-two
Type: Replicate
Volume ID: 781ef7b5-ff71-4319-8b53-bbba869749bd

Status: Started
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 1 x 3 = 3
Transport-type: tcp
Options Reconfigured:
cluster.granular-entry-heal: on
storage.fips-mode-rchecksum: on
transport.address-family: inet
nfs.disable: on
performance.client-io-threads: off


We can see that the status is now created

Now let’s mount both drives.  I will use my first server to mount them to.

Let me make some mount points


 > sudo mkdir /volume-one
 > sudo mkdir /volume-two




Now mount them using glusterfs


 > sudo mount -t glusterfs volume-one: /volume-one


Mounting glusterfs on /volume-one failed.

Oops that one is my fault I revered the server and the mount info


 > sudo mount -t glusterfs /volume-one
 > sudo mount -t glusterfs /volume-two
 > df -h





And we can see that volume-one is 14TB and volume 2 is 2 TB which makes some sense…
Volume-one is set up with replication 2 and has 2 gluster

Let me make 10 random files of 1MB in size on each volume


 > cd /volume-one/
 > for i in $(seq -w 1 10); do sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=file_one_$i.txt count=1024 bs=1024;done


Same for the second volume


 > cd /volume-two/
 > for i in $(seq -w 1 10); do sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=file_two_$i.txt count=1024 bs=1024;done


Now I have 20 unique files

Let me look at what is on my bricks


 > sudo tree /data/



Now if I run this command on my second server I should get a similar result.


But if I run it on my last server I should only see things in data brick 2


A quick md5sum check


 > md5sum /volume-one/file_one_01.txt; md5sum /data/brick1/file_one_01.txt


Same identical file.


Client setup

I have another Ubuntu 22.04 server that I just want to be a client on.  I just want to mount the drive and not have be part of a Gluster Storage Pool.

Run the following commands


 > sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gluster/glusterfs-10
 > sudo apt update
 > sudo apt install glusterfs-server


Now create a folder and mount it.


 > sudo mkdir /volume-one-client
 > sudo mount -t glusterfs /volume-one-client




There we go

Of course I have permissions issues only root can write to it at the moment.

 Also on a reboot we will not automount this drive

So lets tweak /etc/fstab to automount it on a reboot


 > sudo vi /etc/fstab



And place the following in it /volume-one-client glusterfs defaults,_netdev 0 0



Test mounting before a reboot


  > sudo mount /volume-one-client/



OK let’s reboot and see what we have.




  > sudo reboot




Looks good





[1]       GlusterFS main site
            Accessed 01/2023

[2]       GlusterFS Quick Start Guide

[3]       Formatting Disks over 2 TiB with parted
            Accessed 01/2023

[4]       How to partition 22TB disk?
           Accessed 01/2023

[5]       Gluster FS release Schedule
            Accessed 02/2023  

[6]       Gluster launchpad
            Accessed 02/2023

[7]       Setting up GlusterFS Volumes
            Accessed 02/2023




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