Ideally I just wanted a simple
command line tool I could use. So that I
could bring it up quickly and watch it from the command line as Header … etc
information scrolled by. I just needed
something for local testing.
While poking around I
found this SimpleHTTPServer. You can
run this from the command line.
> python -m SimpleHTTPServer
A simple web server starts up and listens on port 8000.
And you will see the contents of the folder you started the
web server in.
Click and download away.
That is pretty neat and useful in and of itself, but it also
outputs a little bit of data.
I want it to output some more data than that like Headers.
I found a few
examples out there
Here is what I came up with.
> vi webserver.py
And here is the raw code.
The gist for this can be found at https://gist.github.com/patmandenver/dde3a439484766d4314f
How to use it
First make it executable
> chmod u+x webserver.py
Then run it
> ./web-server.py
This will open a simple web server using port 8080
You can test it by opening a browser and going to http://localhost:8080/
It outputs the Header information so you can see it.
Or you could use a simple curl to test it.
> curl --header
"X-MyHeader: test-X" http://localhost:8080/
There is my header.
Also you can change what port to listen to.
> ./web-server.py -p 9090
You can also turn on the ability to POST
> ./web-server.py -p 9090 --POST
Then you can post data to it like the following.
> curl -i -d
'{"json":"TEST"}' http://localhost:8080/test2
This will save the posted
data to a file (in my test case test2)
It won't overwrite existing
There is not a lot to this
simple web server, a lot more can be added to it. I just needed a simple tool I could bring up
for a few local test of my software.
With that in mind I want to
just move it to a command in /usr/bin/
> cp webserver.py /usr/bin/webserver
Now I can just call it with
> webserver
I am sure I will tweak it in the future but for now it meet
my testing needs.
[1] gist simpleHTTPServer with
headers by phrawzty
Accessed 02/2016
[2] Simple HTTP server for
testing GET and POST requests. Python 3.
Accessed 06/2014
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