Getting Sensu to talk to HipChat

Posted on Wednesday, November 19, 2014

This guide will go over setting up Sensu to talk to HipChat.  The idea here is to create HipChat rooms to track sensu alerts.  In my current position we use HipChat almost exclusively for this purpose.  The basic idea is this; leave HipChat open and join the rooms where Sensu alerts are sent.  Now when an alert goes out to a HipChat room you get a ping and a notice pops up on your screen.   If your system starts to get really unhealthy you get a lot of pings.

This guide assumes you have Sensu installed and running and a HipChat account.  If you need help setting up sensu check out these guides I wrote.  or

If you are unfamiliar with HipChat I wrote an article on how to set it up here

Installing hipchat gem

There is a nice hipchat gem, their github page is at [1]

To install this gem run

    > sudo gem install hipchat

To list your installed gems run this command

    > gem list

Trying to send a message to a room

Before I get too far into it I want to do some testing and confirm that I can send a message to one of my HipChat rooms just using a simple ruby script.

To do this I first need an API key from HipChat.

Getting your HipChat API key

Sign into your HipChat account at

Click on Group Admin

Click on API

Enter your password again (it has this additional level of protection)

Select Notification (I only want this API key to be good for sending messages not adding users or creating new rooms)

Give it a name, I named mine "Sensu  Test" and click create.

Your token has been created!

In this case my token is '08eee07bb20a761df770998edead7c'  The only reason I am showing the actual API key is that by the time I post this this API key will be deleted and no longer work ;)




A simple ruby Script

OK I have my API token now I want to write a simple ruby script to write to a HipChat room.  This script in no way will use Sensu, but it will use the HipChat gem I installed.

    > vi hipchat_test.ruby

Here is my code


require 'hipchat'

api_token = '08eee07bb20a761df770998edead7c'

client =
client['Sensu Test'].send('Test Bot', 'Hello World')

Save it then make the file executable

    > chmod u+x hipchat_test.ruby

Run the program

    > ./hipchat_test.ruby

Success the message showed up.

If you have the API token it looks like all you really need is the name of a room.  The 'Test Bot' is not a user in my HipChat.   So if I change that part of the code to 'Test Bot 2'  and run it….


require 'hipchat'

api_token = '08eee07bb20a761df770998edead7c'

client =
client['Sensu Test'].send('Test Bot 2', 'Hello World')

You can also set the color of the message.


require 'hipchat'

api_token = '08eee07bb20a761df770998edead7c'

client =
client['Sensu Test'].send('Test Bot 2', 'Hello World', :color => 'red')

You can also do 'green', 'yellow', 'purple'

You can get someone's attention using the @ here is some code that will do that.  (you need to add @username and :message_format => 'text'


require 'hipchat'

api_token = '08eee07bb20a761df770998edead7c'

client =
client['Sensu Test'].send('Test Bot 2',
        '@PatrickBailey Hello World', :message_format => 'text')

Sensu Handlers

Now that I have figured out how to use the HipChat gem I need to figure out Sensu Handlers.

The Sensu doc page for this is located at [2]

Looking over this page there are several different types of handlers,  pipe, TCP, UDP, AMQP, and Sets.

For my near term purposes I think I only really need pipe and sets. 
Pipe handlers execute a script and pass the event in via STDIN.
Sets are used for grouping handlers.  It’s a way to send the same event to several handlers at the same time.  For example if you want an event to two different Pipe handlers, one which sends a message to HipChat and one that sends an email, you can use a set handler.   I am not going to use a Set handler in this document, but I thought it worth mentioning.

I found this github repo [3] which contains several Sensu Handlers you can just copy and use.  The HipChat handler can be found at [4]

Here is the code (as it was on 11/16/2014)

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'rubygems' if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.0'
require 'sensu-handler'
require 'hipchat'
require 'timeout'

class HipChatNotif < Sensu::Handler

  option :json_config,
         :description => 'Config Name',
         :short => '-j JsonConfig',
         :long => '--json_config JsonConfig',
         :required => false

  def event_name
    @event['client']['name'] + '/' + @event['check']['name']

  def handle
    json_config = config[:json_config] || 'hipchat'
    server_url = settings[json_config]["server_url"] || ''
    apiversion = settings[json_config]["apiversion"] || 'v1'
    proxy_url = settings[json_config]["proxy_url"]
    hipchatmsg =[json_config]["apikey"], :api_version => apiversion, :http_proxy => proxy_url, :server_url => server_url)
    room = settings[json_config]["room"]
    from = settings[json_config]["from"] || 'Sensu'

    message = @event['check']['notification'] || @event['check']['output']

    # If the playbook attribute exists and is a URL, "[<a href='url'>playbook</a>]" will be output.
    # To control the link name, set the playbook value to the HTML output you would like.
    if @event['check']['playbook']
        uri = URI.parse(@event['check']['playbook'])
        if %w( http https ).include?(uri.scheme)
          message << "  [<a href='#{@event['check']['playbook']}'>Playbook</a>]"
          message << "  Playbook:  #{@event['check']['playbook']}"
        message << "  Playbook:  #{@event['check']['playbook']}"

      timeout(3) do
        if @event['action'].eql?("resolve")
          hipchatmsg[room].send(from, "RESOLVED - [#{event_name}] - #{message}.", :color => 'green')
          hipchatmsg[room].send(from, "ALERT - [#{event_name}] - #{message}.", :color => @event['check']['status'] == 1 ? 'yellow' : 'red', :notify => true)
    rescue Timeout::Error
      puts "hipchat -- timed out while attempting to message #{room}"


Create the HipChat handler  (first create the notification folder

    > sudo mkdir -p /etc/sensu/handlers/notifications
    > sudo vi /etc/sensu/handlers/notifications/hipchat.rb

In my case I want the room to be passed in via the command , also I am just going to be using HipChat V1 API (I seem to be having issues using the V2).  I am also not currently using the playbook feature so I will remove that.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'rubygems' if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.0'
require 'sensu-handler'
require 'hipchat'
require 'timeout'

class HipChatNotif < Sensu::Handler

  option :room,
         :description => 'HipChat Room Name to send messages to',
         :short => '-r ROOM',
         :long => '--room ROOM',
         :default => 'Sensu Test'

  def event_name
    @event['client']['name'] + '/' + @event['check']['name']

  def handle
    hipchatmsg =["hipchat"]["apikey"])

    room = config[:room]
    from = settings["hipchat"]["from"]

    message = @event['check']['notification'] || @event['check']['output']

      timeout(3) do
        if @event['action'].eql?("resolve")
                "RESOLVED - [#{event_name}] - #{message}.", :color => 'green')
          hipchatmsg[room].send(from, "ALERT - [#{event_name}] - #{message}.",
                :color => @event['check']['status'] == 1 ? 'yellow' : 'red', :notify => true)
    rescue Timeout::Error
      puts "hipchat -- timed out while attempting to message #{room}"

This is my code.

Save it then make the file executable

    > sudo chmod a+x /etc/sensu/handlers/notifications/hipchat.rb

It still requires a handler and a "hipchat" json setting.

Create the hipchat handler

    > sudo mkdir -p /etc/sensu/conf.d/handlers
    > sudo vi /etc/sensu/conf.d/handlers/hipchat.json

  "handlers": {
    "hipchat": {
      "command": "/etc/sensu/handlers/notifications/hipchat.rb -r 'Sensu Test'",
      "type": "pipe",
      "severities": [
  "hipchat": {
     "apikey": "08eee07bb20a761df770998edead7c",
     "from": "Sensu Master"

Then I have to add this handler to a check.  In my case I had a check called check_file.json I had created before, so I will edit that.

    > sudo vi /etc/sensu/conf.d/check_file.json

    "checks": {
        "check_file": {
            "handlers": [
                "default", "hipchat"
            "command": "/etc/sensu/plugins/check-file.rb -f /home/patman/test.txt",
            "interval": 60,
            "occurrences": 3,
            "subscribers": [

All I did was add the "hipchat" handler in the handlers section.

Restart the Sensu Master with the following command, and its client

    > sudo service sensu-server restart && sudo service sensu-api restart && sudo service sensu-client restart

To trigger my check_file check I just need to remove a file from my home directory.

    > rm ~/test.txt

After 3 occurrences the handler triggers.

Bringing back the file resolves the issue.

    > touch  ~/test.txt

The HipChat handler successfully posts to my HipChat room!  Both its alert and its own Resolved message.

Playing with the handler for a bit and looking at the logs I saw this message.

{"timestamp":"2014-11-16T19:48:21.566544-0700","level":"info","message":"handler output","handler":{"command":"/etc/sensu/handlers/notifications/hipchat.rb -r 'Sensu Test'","type":"pipe","severities":["ok","critical","unknown"],"name":"hipchat"},"output":"only handling every 30 occurrences: sensu-master/check_file\n"}

Only handling every 30 occurences.

I found this post [5] which mentions that if you are using the sensu-handler this is the expected behavior.  The default is to only trigger once every 30 minutes (after the initial trigger…. The initial trigger delay does not count).

I did a little test and let it run for a while

It will only run the handler code once in a 30 minute interval.   In this case the alert was triggered at 6:46 PM, but it had a setting of 3 occurrences in a 60 s interval.  As a result the first message to hipchat is delayed by 3 minutes and occurs at 6:49 PM.  But the next one occurs 30 minutes after the alert at 7:16PM, then every 30 minutes after until its resolved.

If I change my interval to 30 seconds, trigger my alert and look at my logs.

{"timestamp":"2014-11-16T20:28:05.125612-0700","level":"info","message":"handler output","handler":{"command":"/etc/sensu/handlers/notifications/hipchat.rb -r 'Sensu Test'","type":"pipe","severities":["ok","critical","unknown"],"name":"hipchat"},"output":"only handling every 60 occurrences: sensu-master/check_file\n"}

So it looks like it’s a 30 minute interval.

That is all well and good, but what if I want to only issue a message every hour, or only once?  How do I override the default?

I think I found it.  You need to set the refresh variable.  Edit the check file.

    > sudo vi /etc/sensu/conf.d/check_file.json

And add a refresh variable.

    "checks": {
        "check_file": {
            "handlers": [
                "default", "hipchat"
            "command": "/etc/sensu/plugins/check-file.rb -f /home/patman/test.txt",
            "interval": 60,
            "occurrences": 3,
            "refresh": 600,
            "subscribers": [

The normal default is 1800 second (30 minutes).  I set mine to 600 seconds (10 minutes) as a test.  And it worked!

I guess if you want to only issue a handler once you could up the refresh rate to a very high value like 1209600 (14 days)

I changed my refresh rate to 1209600 just to test it.  And looking at my logs, it seems to be working.

{"timestamp":"2014-11-16T21:23:37.112900-0700","level":"info","message":"handler output","handler":{"command":"/etc/sensu/handlers/notifications/hipchat.rb -r 'Sensu Test'","type":"pipe","severities":["ok","critical","unknown"],"name":"hipchat"},"output":"only handling every 20160 occurrences: sensu-master/check_file\n"}

With a one minute interval 20160 comes out to 14 days.

OK that is enough for this long winded tutorial.   Hope it helps someone out there get Sensu talking to HipChat and maybe help figure out Sensu Handlers a little better.

[1]        HipChat Wrapper github page
                Accessed 11/2014
[2]        Sensu Handlers doc page
                Accessed 11/2014
[3]        sensu-community-plugins
                Accessed 11/2014
[4]        sensu-community-plugins hipchat.rb
                Accessed 11/2014
[5]        bugs in multiple handlers #613
                Accessed 11/2014

This post is a part of and epic, the Sensu Epic.

Epic Goal:   My goal is to figure out how to use Sensu to moni

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