Installing Prometheus on Ubuntu 16.04

Posted on Friday, April 14, 2017

It's time to try another monitoring solution!   I have been using Sensu for years and I really like it.  It has been an effective tool.  But, every so often you need to get out of your comfort zone and try something new.

In this article I am going to install Prometheus on an Ubuntu 16.04 server and try to monitor something J

The official "Hello world" installation guide from Prometheus can be found here [1]  I will be using this guide myself.


Head over to the Prometheus download page [2]

Select Linux and amd64 from the pull down.

Right click on 1.5.2 and select copy address.  In my case I got this URL

Run this command to download it.

  > wget

Untar it

  > tar -xvf prometheus-1.5.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz

Then cd into the directory and run it.

  > cd prometheus-1.5.2.linux-amd64/

Quoting from the Prometheus guide

Prometheus collects metrics from monitored targets by scraping metrics HTTP endpoints on these targets. Since Prometheus also exposes data in the same manner about itself, it can also scrape and monitor its own health.

So in short we can use Prometheus to monitor Prometheus, as a starting point.

Edit the Prometheus.yml file

  > vi prometheus.yml

The default file looks fine as is.
This scrape_configs: section should get information from localhost:9090.

Start Prometheus

To start Prometheus run this command from the Prometheus directory.

  > ./prometheus -config.file=prometheus.yml

Now open it up in a URL.   Open up http://localhost:9090/  (In my case the machine is running at  so I opened up  )

Ok now what?
 In theory it is collecting data about itself. 

Hey look data

From the pull down select prometheys_target_interval_length_seconds

Now click Execute.

This has returned every data point for this variable.

Graph it

If I click Graph I see this….   This graph looks a little confusing at first.   The Y starts at 15 s  (which may be fine for detail but I would rather push it down to 0.

I do not see a way to do it here.  But looking around this is not the place to do it anyway [4]

This is primarily useful for ad-hoc queries and debugging. For graphs, use Grafana or Console templates.

So in other words this is not going to be the place to view your graphs so don't worry about it looking perfect here.

Looking at this graph is a bit confusing at first.   One data type was chosen, yet we are getting back 5 different data types??

If you look at the legend you will see that there are two sections the

If I do a quick curl with grep I can confirm that this data is being scraped from http://localhost:9090/metrics

  > curl --silent localhost:9090/metrics \
  | grep "prometheus_target_interval_length_seconds{"


I can see that it does produce 5 data points.   The difference being the different labels (see the quantile label)

If I want to filter based on this value I can with a promQL query like this.


I then get the one data point

What if I wanted to sum or average these data points (I know with these data points it does not make sense to do that… but it will with other data so I just want to know)



Getting outside data?

How can I get some outside data into Prometheus?    Let me set up a static web server using python.

Create a folder structure

  > mkdir ~/webserver
  > cd ~/webserver

Create the code

  > vi

Place the following code in it.  (which I tweaked from one I found at [5])


import random
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer

# HTTPRequestHandler class
class testHTTPServer_RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):

  # GET
  def do_GET(self):
      if self.path == "/metrics":

        message = "http_random_numbers " + str(random.randint(1, 10)) + "\n"
        self.wfile.write(bytes(message, "utf8"))


        message = "TESTING"
        self.wfile.write(bytes(message, "utf8"))


def run():
  print('starting server...')

  # Server settings
  server_address = ('', 1234)
  httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, testHTTPServer_RequestHandler)
  print('running server...')


Prometheus's default place to scrape is /metrics.
Make it executable and run it

  > ./

Curl it a few times to make sure it's producing random numbers

  > curl localhost:1234/metrics

Looks good.

This is going to be a very basic exposition using a very basic text format.  For a lot more details on exposition formats see

Update Prometheus.yml

Stop the running Prometheus and edit the prometheus.yml file, adding in the ability to scrape data from this new server.

  > vi prometheus.yml

Add the following to the end

  - job_name: 'test_scraper'
      - targets: ['localhost:1234']

Start Prometheus back up

  > ./prometheus -config.file=prometheus.yml


When I bring this up I get no errors, but I am not getting the data point http_random_numbers populated.


 It's not there…


Go to Status -> Targets

There I can see its being listed as effectively down.  I have malformed HTTP status code "2"

Editing my webserver

  > vi

I forgot the end the headers


import random
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer

# HTTPRequestHandler class
class testHTTPServer_RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):

  # GET
  def do_GET(self):
      if self.path == "/metrics":

        message = "http_random_numbers " + str(random.randint(1, 10)) + "\n"
        self.wfile.write(bytes(message, "utf8"))


        message = "TESTING"
        self.wfile.write(bytes(message, "utf8"))


def run():
  print('starting server...')

  # Server settings
  server_address = ('', 1234)
  httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, testHTTPServer_RequestHandler)
  print('running server...')


Fix that and restart it.

  > ./

Reload the Prometheus Targets page

And we are listening now!

Now it shows up!

And I can graph it

OK, I think that is enough for a start into Prometheus.


[1]        Prometheus Getting Started Guide
[2]        Prometheus download page
[3]        Vim YAML syntax highlighter
[4]        Visualization Browser
[5]        Create a simple python server with Python 3
[6]        Exposition Formats

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